A Chat by the Sea

A Chat by the Sea

 submission for the Jamming the curve game jam: https://itch.io/jam/jamming-the-curve

Core: An young woman greets you by the sea. She is interested in knowing more about you and your stance on the Covid-19 pandemic, which she will discover through a series of respectful questions and discussion. The conversation is serialized and varies depending on your responses. The goal is to reveal and then confront any potentially harmful stance players might have gained via misinformation, confusion, or personal feelings. This is accomplished through the unfolding relationship developed between the player and the game character over the course of the game. This game is to be implemented in HTML5 in order to promote portability

Progress report: The game is still in early development, but all the backbone of the code is complete. Art, music, and style are yet to be implemented.

Full report:

Build main thread - done

Build game manager - done

Build based dialogue tree custom editor- Done

Add custom cursors - done

Create conversation varieties- in progress

Create art - not done

Create SFX- in progress

Create music- not done

polish and close out code - not done

Upload game to Itch.io - not done


Build 0.1.zip Play in browser
Sep 22, 2020

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