A Chat by the Sea

I am proud to announce the final build of A Chat By The Sea is completed and free online for all to play.

This submission for the Jamming the curve game jam hosted by IndieCade focuses on the use of positive psychology to influence willful individuals into wearing a mask via the relationship which develops between the player and Ava, a young woman who you meet by the sea.

The discussion changes based on the responses given by the player, in order to find and focus on weak areas such as feelings of discomfort, desire for freedom, exposure to misinformation, pseudo-scientific belief, lack of trust in institutions, or political motivation. The conversation then shifts to address these feelings and come to a pro-social conclusion by engaging with the player's personal values and factual data.

Along side this chat, the game takes account of how at risk a person is for contracting and transmitting the disease based on things like age, access to PPE,  personal behavior, and public policy. This score is displayed after all the questions are answered.

In addition, Ava will teach you communication skills that can be broadly applied to every aspect of one's life in a short, interactive 15 minute course on the subject. This educational game is suitable for anyone regardless of age, gender, race ethnicities, and creeds, but is especially targeted for those who are less likely to follow to social rules which help to flatten the curve.

The general audience of this game and the online format means that it or similar products can be embedded into a web page, or shared with other's via direct links. This facilitates sharing via social media in order to reach the largest possible audience.


QbyTheSea 1.08.zip Play in browser
Oct 01, 2020

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